Friday, December 11, 2015

Report & Reflect 2.5


You must first complete this week's LearningLog/Report & Reflect 2.6.  Make sure you flip the switch so a copy of your submission is emailed to you - think of it as a receipt.  Check your email and see what your submitted work looks like - that is what we will see.  Click your Class Link Below:

When you have finished R&R 2.6, use the rest of class to complete any missing work, STARTING WITH AVID:  Go back to Wednesday's entry and start, continue/finish, or redo (sadly) your "My Characteristics & Values" worksheet entry.  Again, flip the switch so a copy of your submission is emailed to you.

When you are done, give yourself a self-affirmation and plow through work for other classes - print out any missing work so you have it for the weekend!

Oh, and enjoy the weekend - you have to submit a TRF for Tuesday OR Thursday, but YOU MUST have a MATH TRF for Tuesday ALSO.  We'll be following the routine below until further notice:

Monday - AVIDy stuff - strategies, writing, etc.
Tuesday - TRFs Due - TWO!!! One for Math and one for Eng/Sci/Soc.  We will go through the Math ones, study up and offer math support either at the end of Tuesday or beginning of Thursday.
Wednesday - AVIDy stuff - strategies, writing, etc.
Thursday - Tutorials
Friday - Report & Reflect and free work time.

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