Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Cheating Survey

We watched the Freakonomics segment on cheating, "Pure Corruption", which addressed how & why Sumo wrestlers in Japan cheated.  Economics tends to focus on the study of incentives - the how & why people make decisions to satisfy needs and wants.  It's complex, yet very interesting to study - exactly what I'd have chosen to concentrate in if I was a college student today.  After the 25-minute segment, we are asking you to complete the following survey.  You will need every minute at the end of class to complete the survey in time, so DO NOT WASTE IT!

You must be logged in via your MPS Google Account to COMPLETE THIS SURVEY!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Monday, March 7, 2016

Prez Persuasive Essay Due

Today was the LAST DAY TO FINISH & UPLOAD the Presidential Candidate Persuasive Essay.  It must be submitted to by 11:59 PM.  Printing was not an option - we'll try again tomorrow/Wednesday.  You also were required to submit TRF 3.6.  It is technically due tomorrow, but NO LATE TRFs WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Friday, February 19, 2016

PC 3.4, Survey, Reflection 3.4

You have 50 minutes to complete 3 tasks...

Complete your Purple Card for Week 3.4 - FOLLOW DIRECTIONS AND EXAMPLE...AGAIN.

Go to and complete the quiz (you already answered the questions on the handout distributed on Wednesday).  When you have finished, SHARE your results with yourself (probably via Google) AND EMAIL A COPY TO ROMO:

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Multitasking & Survey HW

We watched a video about Multitasking.  You started by titling a page in your notebook, "Multitasking is..." and then we started the video (embedded below).  We also gave you some HW, the 2016 Presidential Candidate Viewpoint Survey Matching handout, which has 80 Yes/No questions.  Simply answer the questions you understand by Friday and come prepared to ask about those you do not.

For tomorrow's tutorials, we are simply asking you to come with any math or other Level 1 questions for which you need help in a roundtable style.

Also, let's have NO MISSING ASSIGNMENTS in ANY 4-CORE CLASS by NEXT FRIDAY.  This gives you 10 days to clear up any past missing assignments.  We'll figure out what kind of reward awaits the class(es) that meet this simple expectation.

National Geographic: Test Your Brain Episode 1... by procrastinator87

Friday, February 5, 2016

Purple Card & Reflection 3.3

We are back to regular Tutorials with TRFs next week - presented on Tuesday & Thursday!  Remember that you only get half-credit if turned in AFTER Tuesday.

Monday 2-8-16 = Course Registration Research (iPads)
Wednesday 2-10-16 = Academic Self-Analysis/Report (on your own)

Complete your Purple Card Data Entry
For each of your 4-Core Classes, Complete ALL 3:

  1. Grade - Remember to use the right color!
  2. Missing Work/ZERO - include stuff you turned in! It WILL change, right? We're doing this to track progress and (hopefully) improvement
  3. Success/Oops (1 each on BOTH sides = 4 TOTAL)

Reflection 3.3 (NAME & DATE!)
On a separate sheet of LINED paper, reflect on the week's activities.  If you are stuck, address the following questions:
Which story from the documentary struck you the hardest?  As always, explain why!
Did this week's topic change your beliefs or actions?  Again, as always, explain why/why not!
How do you think we, as a society, could cut back on distracted driving (especially texting)?
Do you have any thoughts about this week's topic that you'd like to add/share with us?

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


The tutors are here to help you today.  You must complete the following things in AVID class today:

  1. Enter 5 questions from your documentary notes yesterday.  Complete the question-gathering form the Google Form HERE.
  2. Complete the SAMPLE (Paper) Step-Up Application & TURN IT IN!!!
    • If you are submitting an OFFICIAL Application online, you can do that here.
  3. Complete any missing work in your classes.  If you want to work things ou
Be aware that CONFERENCES ARE NEXT WEEK!  That means that the teachers probably have to submit progress grades by Monday.