Friday, February 5, 2016

Purple Card & Reflection 3.3

We are back to regular Tutorials with TRFs next week - presented on Tuesday & Thursday!  Remember that you only get half-credit if turned in AFTER Tuesday.

Monday 2-8-16 = Course Registration Research (iPads)
Wednesday 2-10-16 = Academic Self-Analysis/Report (on your own)

Complete your Purple Card Data Entry
For each of your 4-Core Classes, Complete ALL 3:

  1. Grade - Remember to use the right color!
  2. Missing Work/ZERO - include stuff you turned in! It WILL change, right? We're doing this to track progress and (hopefully) improvement
  3. Success/Oops (1 each on BOTH sides = 4 TOTAL)

Reflection 3.3 (NAME & DATE!)
On a separate sheet of LINED paper, reflect on the week's activities.  If you are stuck, address the following questions:
Which story from the documentary struck you the hardest?  As always, explain why!
Did this week's topic change your beliefs or actions?  Again, as always, explain why/why not!
How do you think we, as a society, could cut back on distracted driving (especially texting)?
Do you have any thoughts about this week's topic that you'd like to add/share with us?

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