Monday, January 4, 2016

PeerMark 1

Yes, we are ALL tired.  I saw Star Wars at 10:45 PM last night - I didn't get home until 1:30 AM and didn't sleep until after 3...then woke up at 6:45!  Poke me if I fall asleep.  We have a few things for you to do in class today.
SUBMIT your essay via turnitin.  You can resubmit a new version at any time - but you must have something submitted today.
 - I will walk you through it using one of you as a guinea pig
You can use the rest of class time to finish your ROUGH DRAFT or other work - remember that Final Exams are NEXT WEEK.
PRINT OUT YOUR ROUGH DRAFT of this first Essay (Autobiographical Incident).
Turn THAT in to Grussing or Romo.
Tomorrow - You will PEERMARK 3-4 other essays.
This simply means you'll read through essays from your peers, mark it up, and insert comments.
Weds & Friday = Clean up your first draft into a FINAL DRAFT, which is DUE FRIDAY!

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